Money is Usually the Root of a Deeper Problem.

Roy Jackson

The Inevitability of Business Conflicts

In the complex world of business, conflicts, and disputes are an inevitable part of growth and transformation. As a seasoned business transformation consultant, I’ve navigated numerous situations where companies face internal strife or discord among stakeholders. 

Beyond Monetary Solutions

Reflecting on these experiences, I’ve come to understand that while financial settlements can often provide a quick fix, they rarely address the root causes of conflict. This understanding underscores the essence of my approach to business consulting services, where the focus extends beyond mere monetary solutions.

The Superficiality of Financial Fixes

Many believe that throwing money at a problem is the ultimate solution. However, this method tends to offer only a superficial resolution. Through my journey as a business development consultant, money doesn’t solve most of the problems that I encounter when working with clients who are in conflict. This realization has been pivotal in shaping the way I mediate and resolve disputes within businesses.

A Foundation in Faith and Principles

Most of you know that I am a believer, and therefore base most of what I do on Christian principles. That doesn’t mean that you must be a believer to put some of these principles into use, but it certainly gives you an advantage, I believe.

The Biblical Perspective on Conflict Resolution

The essence of many conflicts is illustrated in the biblical account of Adam, Eve, and the serpent in Genesis chapter 3. This revolves around the question of authority and understanding. Adam and Eve are in the garden, and everything is going great, and then this snake comes by and explains to Eve.. God is holding out on you, and if you’ll just do what he told you not to do, you’ll be as smart as God. That is the basis of all conflict… Who is in charge?

Real-World Applications: The Hanging H Ranch Case

A poignant example of this approach in action was my involvement with the Hanging H Ranch case, my first major case as a consultant six years ago. The dispute among the shareholders was not merely about financial gain but rather about establishing a sense of peace and resolution. Remarkably, four out of six shareholders chose to settle for less money, prioritizing their peace of mind over a larger financial payout. This decision sent out a clear message that the money was not as important as their peace of mind.

Sometimes the Most Powerful Move is Simply to Listen

The Art of Listening in Business Consulting

So, if you’re trying to resolve conflict and money doesn’t do the trick, maybe it’s time to listen closely to the person that you’re having a problem with… I mean, really listen closely to the person that you’re having a problem with. You just might save yourself some money.

Guiding Principles in Business Transformation

As a business transformation consultant, I guide clients through the process of understanding and addressing the deeper issues at play in their conflicts. 

Embracing Empathy and Communication

I’ll help you embrace principles of empathy, respect, and genuine communication. You can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and development. Remember, in the intricate dance of business relationships, sometimes the most powerful move is simply to listen.

At Roy Jackson, we service businesses in the Dallas, Houston, and Tyler, areas. Contact us today for help with your business.